About Me


I did my PhD and JD at the University of California, Irvine.

My dissertation, "Ways to Reform the Law," represents the first step in my interdisciplinary research agenda. It contains three proposals that concretely address major concerns in law: one on achieving greater fairness between unequally wealthy parties in civil litigation by changing how courts award damages, another on imposing tort liability for special cases of risk imposition without requiring the risk to materialize, and the last on justifying differential punishment in criminal law that involves rejecting the merger doctrine in criminal sentencing.

Outside law and philosophy, I like to spend my free time playing soccer or going to the beach. Sometimes, I perform stand-up comedy.


2024. 'Compensatory Preliminary Damages: Access to Justice as Corrective Justice' in CUNY Law Review

2023. 'Future Bias and Regret' in Logic and Philosophy of Time: The History and Philosophy of Tense-logic.

2022. 'Epistemic Isomorphism' in Metaphilosophy.

2021. 'Great Risks from Small Benefits Grow' in Philosophia.

2020. 'Future Bias and Presentism' in The Metaphysics of Time: Themes from Prior

2020. 'The Argument from Sideways Music' in Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.

2019. 'B-Theory and Time Biases' in Logic and Philosophy of Time: Further Themes from Prior

Conferences Organized